Thursday 10 May 2012

Aspiration Day

Day 16

The alarm wakes me up, Hubdub offers me tea, but I can’t have any.  We pray that today we would get a good number of eggs, that we would never have to stim again, and that God would guide the doctor and give him wisdom to affect the positive result of the cycle.  We ask that Lords will be done in all of this.

We set off early for BioArt and arrive too early.  The nurses haven’t even arrived yet, and we stand outside with a few other people waiting for them.  Just after 7 am my favourite nurse arrives to open up.  YAY!

She gets the doors unlocked and then makes me sit down and sign a consent form and send Hubby down the passage to make his contribution.  I am fist on the list so I don’t sit in the waiting area long before they guide me into the aspiration room.

Stirrups.... I don’t think I have ever seen one of those in real life - this is going to be a first.  I strip off the bottom half of what I am wearing and climb onto the bed, keeping my socks on - the info pamphlet that I was given said to take off nail polish, and I didn’t do a good job taking off the almost black nail polish I was wearing.  It looks like my toes are dirty.  My favourite nurse helps me into the right position and straps in my legs.  Then she administers the sedatives via IV... Dormicum and Pethadine.  It starts stinging almost immediately. We pull out the drip and try again on the other arm.  Oh how lovely, I start to feel "drifty" quickly.

The doctor makes an appearance.  He is such a cool cucumber.  Gloves on, and starts attaching the long needle thing to the Internal scanner attachment and also to the vacuum tube,  I am vaguely aware of the first prick as the needle pierces the vagina wall, and then I am asleep.

I thought I would put a diagram in for you - It’s hard to conceptualise how this happens, but basically the needle is connected to a vacuum tube, and each of the follicles that has developed is pierced and whatever is in there sucked into the tube and eventually into a test tube. This whole process for me took about 20 minutes.

 I am woken up by the nurse putting my clothes back on me.  I try to be helpful.  And then she walks me to the recovery room where I lay on a bed.  She plugs in my Intralipid IV, except that the IV needle that was used for the pethadine has slipped so it makes a bump on my arm and we have to switch again, this time to my hand. and I doze happily on and off for about an hour while the Intralipids work their way in to my body.

Disconnected from the IV's and more awake now, another nurse comes in to tell us that we can go home.  I ask her to find out how many eggs we got.  She comes back and tells us we got 16!!!!  I was thinking we would get 12. 16 are awesome! Some of my research has shown that you are more likely to have a positive outcome in an IVF cycle if you have between 15 and 20 eggs retrieved.

DH has also produced an exceptional sample, with a good volume.  Let’s hope the swimmers are the best they could be.  If his sample is good, i.e. if the motility and morphology is not too bad, they will ICSI only half and IVF the rest.

Home by 10:30 am.  On the way home I send a delirious text message to our family, cell group, close friends who know what’s going on and my boss. Bragging about my great haul of eggs.  The discomfort I was feeling from about day 10 was all worth it!

Sleep and more sleep. The drugs are starting to wear off and I am feeling pretty uncomfortable.  I thought I would be back at work tomorrow, but the Dr has given me a sick note for 2 days and the way I feel I am going to need it.

My Sister arrives with 2 dozen cupcakes.  She is excited.  I eat my first cupcake in over a month.  The strict eating regimen I have been on to improve egg quality and numbers has paid off.  I intend to celebrate with a red velvet cupcake.

In the evening I am feeling really uncomfortable. I am really hoping this isnt the beginning of OHSS.  I keep lifting up my top and checking for bloating.  Going to the toilet, for either function, is really really painful.  Kind of the same pain I had after my Laparoscopy.

We watch the first episode of Survivor Season 20 Heroes vs. Villains, and go to bed.  There is no way I will be going to work tomorrow.

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