Thursday, 2 June 2011

Our God Is In Control

Today I had the Laparoscopy that confirmed Stage 2 Endometriosis, but also zapped the Endometriosis.
Ordinarily the next step would for me to go back the Doctor for a day 12 scan and a day 14 scan and PC test again to see if the mucus is friendly to the swimmers.

If my cycle is to be relied upon this month, Day 12 falls on the Friday 17 June - the day after we have left for Zimbabwe and are in the throws of training 60 Entrepreneurs in Beitbridge, and Day 14 will be the Sunday we travel back... So no scans and tests for us this month (I can hear the bank balance breathe an audible sigh of relief).

Some of me wants to bargain with God and say "See Lord? I am putting myself in this situation that I find increadably stressfull (I hate the Beitbridge border post) I will be running the team, and we are going to do your work - So you best honour that Lord!"  I can be such a bossy boots. But this is not in my control. And God certainly has not answered me on that one.

I am listening to a CD by Stephen Curtis Chapman, entitled Beauty Will Rise, at the moment, that has been so real for me.  He wrote the music in the two years after his 5 year old daughter was killed - a freak accident where his teenage son rode over her as he was pulling into in the driveway.  This family had some serious healing to do!

The theme of the songs are about just relying on Gods Faithfulness, still bringing him Glory in the midst of trials, realising that sometimes all we can do is wait. One of the songs, called Holy, has really ministered straight to my heart...

"This is not how is could be, this is not how it should be, but this is how it is, Our God is in control, and I sing Holy Holy Holy is the Lord"


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