Friday, 22 June 2012

Its Official! We are pregnant

I am sorry to have kept so quiet over the last 5 weeks. 

On a very emotionally charged Monday,  waiting 7 hours after having my blood drawn, and not really getting much joy from the clinic, we finally got the news of a positive Beta test.  Our first beta was 76, and 2 days later it had jumped to 275, with a doubling time of 38.8hrs. A doubling time under 24 hours would have put is in the running to have twins. Anything from about 35 - 48 hours is indication a healthy singleton.   We decided not to go public, but to wait to tell people once we had seen a heart beat.

The pregnancy really came alive for us the day we saw, and heard the little heart beat. Just one, and we were overjoyed! (remember my trepidation when we put 3 embies back?) We did a little dance of joy in the doctors office once he had left. Hubby is excited about my nausea, and doesnt mind bringing me things to make it better (Banana's, Yohurt, or warm melted cheese and mayo Sandwiches).

A week or so on from that now and I have finally found the time to put up some photos and update the world.

These are all the needles and syringes that it took to get us to this point, strewn accross the bottom of our bed..  Hubby injected Menopur every 2nd day for 3 months all together, and then there is the needles from my injections during the Long Protocol IVF.

Thats about 45 needles for hubby and it was exactly 31 for me.  Eish!

These are the 3 embryo's that we put back. Bottom left - 2 Grade 1 (Best) 8 cell embyos,
Top Right - 1 Gr2 (a little bit of fragmentation) 8 cell embie.  You can see the fuzzy cell junk in the bottom of the embie.  Thats the fragmentation.  Its like bits of cell that get left behind everytime it divided. 

I cant believe that one of these is our baby.  Who knows which one... We also have 3 frozen for next time. There is definitely a Frozen embryo transfer (FET) in our future one day.   Its weird to think that our babies could be concieved on the same day, but born years apart.

This is the first pic of our little miracle, the ultra sound was done on 7w3d but the CRL shows 6w5d. Expected due date is 1 Feb 2013.
And the heart beat was 148 bpm, which is a good strong heart beat for its size.